Skydio 2 – An update from my end
Well, I ended up cancelling my order for my Skydio 2 – for a few big reasons! After reading much about the newest drone coming out from Skydio – the incredible specs, the amazing AI built in for obstacle avoidance, ability to fly nearly autonomously, and so on, I placed my deposit for the Skydio 2 on October 27, 2019 knowing that it would not be available for delivery until Q1 or Q2 of 2020. So you know, in this day and age, 8 months is an insanely long amount of time to wait for a new “tool” when so many other amazing tools already exist and many for much cheaper. Waiting gave me much time to reflect and wonder if the Skydio would even be a great fit for my toolkit, and ended up being one of the reasons that I cancelled my order. The other major reason of course is COVID 19. This effing thing has wreaked havoc on every aspect of my life, including my ability to afford little luxuries that may or may not be well suited to my needs. Once COVID 19 hit, Skydio scaled back production and even halted for a time and my 8 month wait became closer to 10-12. It was at that point when I decided that I could not A) afford to gamble the money away B) wait longer for the Skydio to be delivered. I sent an email to Skydio on March 25 stating my desire to cancel my pre-order. The Skydio team (Connie) was gracious, kind and efficient – my deposit was returned, only asking why I had decided to cancel my order. Sadly, I will not get to fly a Skydio 2 anytime soon but wish that anyone able to afford one, or can wait the time for one will do so. Thanks Skydio – maybe another time.
Skydio 2 – at long last, does DJI have a real competitor? Skydio 2, You complete me. You had me at 4k60! Seriously though, this thing looks like a beast and YES – I have put my deposit down for my pre-order. Full autonomy, 4K60, multiple ways to fly, built in the USA with American tech, the list goes on! Check it out here –
There is not much for 3rd party accessories available at this time, but please do click on the Amazon links below if you are looking to purchase anything on Amazon today. Every few cents helps me to keep my page alive! Thank You.