After a 9 Week wait! iPad Pro 12.9″ Gen 4 with LiDAR
OK, this thing has seriously taken a long time to get to me, but now that it is in my hot little hands… I am so excited! Stay tuned to learn more about how this iPad Pro will be integral to the success of my new business.
Updates to follow once I get a little hands on time in the field, so thanks for having a peek and I promise I will add more to this in the coming days. Coming up: Testing the LiDAR with measurement apps, 3D and 360° software suites, utilizing this as a control station for my high-end 360° Ricoh camera, podcasting, video editing and so much more.
UPDATE 1 – Video Editing and Rendering
Oh, the power!!! My daily driver at home in my office is an HP Z820, dual XEON, 128GB RAM, and a professional series graphics card which is specifically built for rendering and this little iPad blows it away. There is no lag when scrubbing a timeline, the pencil precision is effing amazing, and rendering is quick, clean and smooth! See below for the first 2 examples of a project recorded with my Mavic Air 2, and processed completely on the iPad Pro. The first was completed with iMovie, and the second is my first experience with LumaFusion. Time to retire the beautiful old Z820 or maybe just turn it into a storage beast / office server for all of the videos I will be producing! Currently, theonly issue that I can foresee with my new iPad is lack of storage – for the short-term, I will just have to follow strict file management procedures to keep the memory available and the LTE data bill low.